best skincare products for breastfeeding moms

Get Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding Moms

Wanna keep that pregnancy glow postpartum, but aren’t sure what is safe to use while breastfeeding? Let’s dive into my personal fav 8 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding Moms as a real mom who breastfeeds.

Now that you’ve given birth, you might be wondering what products you can begin to use again, especially if you’re breastfeeding. I totally get that as a new mom, you want to make sure you’re squeezing in some self-care while only using ingredients that are safe while breastfeeding. So I did the homework for you and curated a list of the best skincare products for breastfeeding moms currently on the market.

(FYI: This blog post contains affiliate links, meaning if you purchase a product through this post we get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Also, please check with your doctor, midwife, or lactation consultant to ensure these products are safe for you as recommendations and ingredient lists can change frequently.)

Let’s dive in mamas. These are the top 12 best skincare products for breastfeeding moms. (And if you’re a first-time mom, don’t miss our best tips on becoming a breastfeeding pro ASAP.)

If you wanna look into specific ingredients then look in the table of contents and skip to those sections.

My Top Picks for Skincare Products for Breastfeeding Moms

An anti-acne treatment you can also use to reduce sun damage and fine lines. This has made a HUGE difference on my skin and why it makes it so high on my list of best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

When I decided to try a retinoid I wanted the strongest I could get. Cause if you’re gonna do it may as well go all in, right?

At first I considered Tretinoin, but you need a prescription for that. And I was not interested in dealing with that. So I found something very similar: Differin (Adapalene) gel which you can purchase OTC from places like Target or Amazon.

I get the big tube for about $30 and it lasts around 2 months!

It has lightened up some of my sun spots dramatically! And my overall appearance is a lot fresher and younger than before.

Packed with powerful ingredients for anti-aging and moisture, but without the bad ones likes parabens and fragrances.

I am absolutely obsessed with this moisturizer. I use it at night over the Differin gel and my skin feels so hydrated and dewy.

And I love how it has no fragrances or other unnecessary chemicals. Just the ingredients that pack a punch for one of the best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

You might have a lot of sleepless nights as a mom, and this eye serum helps you look fresh even when you don’t feel like it…

I recently added this into my skincare routine because I was noticing my eyes looking tired. I mean… which mom doesn’t feel like they’re a little tired sometimes?

The caffiiene in it definitely helps me look more awake most immediately, and the wand with the rollerballs feels so soothing on puffy undereyes.

Brighten the look of dull skin and work on repairing damage.

Another recent addition to my skincare routine.

While I was happy with how I was doing with my other products, I had so many recommendations from other moms to add in some vitamin C to my routine. And it really amped up my glow.

Within about a week or two I started noticing my skin looking fresher and brighter.

Easy to apply and effective SPF.

We all know by now that SPF is the MOST important step in your skincare routine right? You can slather on all the best retinoids, but if you’re not protecting yourself from the sun it doesn’t make a difference. /

I love this moisturizing SPF because it goes on so nicely. I literally just wear this a lot of times without a bb cream or any foundation. It looks dewy and glowy, and isn’t a pain to put on like the barrier sunblock.

I even keep a tube in my car to reapply. Truly a must-have in best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Basic. No fuss but effective.

Cleanser is my lowest priority. I just want something that gets the job done, and this does the trick!

Best Natural Skincare Products for Breastfeeding Moms

If you want to be 100% sure you aren’t using any potentially harmful products or ingredients, then you can opt for more natural brands.

These are all products that I have used and love. So they had to make the list for best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Best Natural BB Cream for Breastfeeding Moms

Protect and perfect your skin with one of the go-to skincare products for breastfeeding moms, an all-natural broad spectrum moisturizer/SPF combo with a subtle tint from Josie Maran.

I wore this allll over Disney while it was HOT AF in Florida in September. I’m talking 90+ degrees every day. And I didn’t get burned once! Plus it adds just a touch of coverage to blend your skin tone.

Best Skincare Tool to Use While Breastfeeding

I am so prone to puffiness in my face and neck. Using a gua sha is so helpful, and it is really relaxing. I love doing it before going to bed for the best rest ever.

Best Natural Anti-Aging Eye Treatment that’s Safe While Breastfeeding

I used this for years before switching to more powerful chemical ingredients, and it definitely helped with brightening and puffiness around the eyes. I love this brand and have used lots of their products over the years. It def has to be on a list of best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Best Natural Exfoliating Serum for Amazing Skin While Breastfeeding

One word. Glow.

This is the glowiest beautiful natural anti-aging serum. I am obsessed with this. The scent is gorgeous and if you’re going for that glass skin look, this is for you.

It has to be one of the best skincare products for breastfeeding moms if you want a natural glow without harsh chemicals.

Best Natural Anti-Aging Cream While Breastfeeding

This is so similar to the Oil of Olay moisturizing I am using, but instead of stronger harsh ingredients, it uses a natural retinol alternative. I feels luxurious and makes my skin so soft!

And of all the products on this best skincare products for breastfeeding moms list, this is one of the most affordable. And who doesn’t love saving some cash?

Best Overall Natural Face Oil Safe Skincare While Breastfeeding

Another amazing natural product that gives you that clean girl glow. Plus if you are using the gua sha you need a face oil, and this is a great pick! And a must-have for best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Which skincare ingredients are safe while breastfeeding?

The most frustrating thing about figuring out which skincare ingredients are best to use while breastfeeding is that a lot of them just don’t have a ton of evidence, which can make it hard to decide what are the best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

This means that doctors are usually basing their recommendations off of information like whether a particular ingredient crosses from the skin, and into the blood. Then they consider what similar medications do when they pass into the blood and are then consumed by babies through breastmilk.

In some cases, doctors are able to say that an ingredient is very likely to be safe but they are not 100% sure, and in some, they can conclude that it is probably not safe but check with your own doctor. This makes it a bit murky when determining the best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

The bottom line is that you should always check back with your own doctor/midwife and pediatrician, plus do your own research if you are concerned. A great place to check the safety of any medication or treatment is usually called Lactmed. It’s a website database of how various drugs and chemicals interact with breast milk and their effects on babies.

Most of the information in this article is sourced from Lactmed, which is considered the standard for such information by many breastfeeding advocates and lactation consultants when it comes to best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Are Retinoids, Retin-A (Tretinoin) and Retinol safe skincare ingredients for breastfeeding moms and babies?

There is a whole subset of skin care ingredients considered “retinoids.” These range from Retin-A and Retinol to Tazarotene. Retinoids are mostly used to treat acne and for anti-aging. and the verdict on whether they are safe is that they are probably safe but be cautious. (You can check out this video from Dr. Dray to learn more.)

According to WebMD, Retin-A is mostly used as an anti-acne medication that is applied topically. It is recommended to never use it during pregnancy, and it is unknown whether it actually crosses into breast milk.

However, Dr. Jay Gordon answered this question on his website by stating that the oral version of Retin-A definitely crosses into your milk when ingested, but that the topical version is safe to use while breastfeeding.

Lactmed states that it is generally considered safe for topical use as it likely doesn’t cross into the blood in significant enough amounts to matter, but does note that “A review of adverse reaction reports on retinoids causing a breast reaction submitted to a French pharmacovigilance center found 1 case of gynecomastia was associated with topical tretinoin use.”

Retinol, which is used more for anti-aging, falls under the same family as Retin-A, though Retin-A is prescription and Retinol is OTC.

There is the same mixed advice when it comes to Retinol as Retin-A. While many consider it compatible with breastfeeding, many also say “why risk it?” Like this Miami Herald article about best skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

I have personally started using a retinoid while breastfeeding. I feel the risk is very low and I typically apply it once a day only to my face and late at night. But if you are more cautious then go ahead and skip it an use some of the natural options I’ll share below.

Salicylic acid, is it safe for breastfeeding moms?

This is another topical acne treatment, and it is generally considered to be safe while breastfeeding.

While there is not much info on topical use of salicylic acid and breastfeeding, there is probably not much being absorbed by the skin. It is likely not much of the chemical is able to enter the bloodstream through the skin, posing little risk to breastfeeding babies.

It is noted that you will want to take care with allowing babies/toddlers to touch or lick areas where you use salicylic acid. Something definitely to watch for in skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Should Breastfeeding Moms use Fragrances, Parabens, and Phthalates?

The first on this part of the list, fragrances, refers to a wide range of ingredients that are used to basically make skin care products smell good.

The problem with this is they are not required to individually list out many of the ingredients that are used as “fragrance.” At least in the US you really don’t know what is included under that one single word on the label.

Beyond any health concerns though, strong scents can be detrimental to breastfeeding because babies, especially newborns, use scent to help latch, nurse effectively and feel safe. So strong smells could inhibit those instincts. Plus who wants fragrance overpowering that newborn or baby scent?

Phthalates and Parabens in skincare for breastfeeding moms

These chemicals are found all over the place in anything from shampoo and hand soap to your skin care. Studies have shown that they can also be found in your breast milk.

Phthalates are dissovling agents and parabens are a preservative used to stave off mold and bacteria. Both have been linked to disrupting hormones, and it is theorized that they might affect the healthy development of babies who are exposed to them by disrupting hormone production.

While you might want to consider cutting these out of your regimen for your own good, the fact that they show up in breast milk is just another reason to rethink using products that contain these chemicals.

It is easier than ever to access quality (and affordable) products that don’t include parabens or phthalates. Just be sure the label specifically does not include them and isn’t just called a “natural” product.

Sometimes you have be really thorough in reading labels on skincare products for breastfeeding moms.

Best Anti-Aging Skincare Products for Breastfeeding Moms

You probably watched labels like a hawk for those nine months of pregnancy, making sure every little thing that went in your body was safe. But the rules change when you are not pregnant anymore and simply breastfeeding.

The tricky thing about skincare while you’re breastfeeding is that a lot of these ingredients are not necessarily UNsafe, but there also isn’t evidence that they ARE safe either.

After having my last baby I realized my skin just wasn’t looking like it used to. The closer I get to 40, the more I am noticing signs of aging, and although I want to embrace the privilege of aging I also want to keep myself looking as good as I can for my age.

As an elder millennial who spent way too much time in the tanning bed and never used sunscreen, I have some sunspots and sun damage to work on.

So let’s get into what I found and I’ll share products I have personally used and what I thought of them. But just as a disclaimer, I am just a mom who does her research, not a doctor and not YOUR doctor. So please as your doctor if you are unsure if any of these products or ingredients are right for you.

Get Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding MomsGet Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding MomsGet Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding MomsGet Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding MomsGet Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding MomsGet Your Glow Back: 12 Best Skincare Products for Breastfeeding Moms
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